Monday, April 2, 2012

{Magic of the Mundane}

Today, I am joining Sofia over at Sofia's Ideas for Magic of the Mundane. I so love this idea because it totally falls in line with my desire to get back to simple. It can be a picture, a poem or song, a short video or anything else that celebrates the Magic. So often, we get caught up in "where we're going" that we forget to look at the beauty of "where we are."

This looks like a pretty little dish and bowl.  Very pretty, but nothing over the top.  Just a dish and bowl to put some food on it. Most of us have several of these and we use them everyday.  Sometimes we notice them more than when the plate or bowl are not big enough to hold what we want, or maybe they are too big.  But most of the time we just use them, wash them and put them away. No big deal. This one is very special. This one was given to me by my Sainted Mother.  That in itself makes it special because she was thinking of me. 
But that's not the only reason why it's special....She made this for me in her pottery class. She even put the pretty green leaves, the center design and orange trim on it so that it would match my everyday dishes. She was thinking of me when she was doing something she always wanted to learn how to do.

Now I know you're thinking "Well gee, Melissa.  That's very nice and not the least bit mundane."  And you'd be right.  But you see, what I'm celebrating - the magic, if you will - is what so many of us have and take for granted, so that they seem mundane - Our Moms.  Ask anyone who doesn't have one, or who has lost one, and they will tell you how special these women are.  But we get so bogged down in life and take for granted all the things, little and big, that they do for us that we sometimes don't even notice.  And then we get something like this plate and bowl and we are reminded how special they are. Sure, there are days where they drive us nuts , but guess what - that's their job. They are supposed to be annoying, nosy and embarrassing. So today, just for a moment, stop and think about what your life would be like without them. Think about what they give us and where would we be without them. And know that all of it comes from a very special place - their heart.  Think about your own children and what you go through for them, what you put up with, what you give up, how you feel about them, how you'd take on the world for them and know that you have someone that feels that way about you...It's special and just a little overwhelming, isn't it?

Have you called your mom today?  Or better yet, hugged her and told her you love her? Give it a shot, it will make her day.


  1. It's beautiful Melissa and I know it must be so special.
    Yes, I did call my Mom today. Although we live many states apart we talk several times a week.
    Hope your Monday is going well.

  2. A beautiful post, Melissa. And you are absolutely right...I should call my mom today. :)

  3. Lovely post on mothers!! I do not know who I would be without my mother.

  4. Oh, I love this. Yes, we do take our mothers for granted. I truly didn't understand OR appreciate my mom until I had children of my own.

    Thanks Melissa... it's a little late to call her, but I'm going to send her an e-mail... right now.

  5. Such a wonderful post. And I actually visited with my mom today, my parents just got back from two months down south and I missed them terribly. It was so great to see them today!

    Thanks for the reminder to appreciate and show our love and gratitude to the wonderful women in our lives whom we call mom.

  6. I'm so glad you appreciate your mother. My mom had alzheimers and got a bit mean in her last years.. and then she forgot who we were.. all in all I have to really try hard to remember the good times. Thanks for giving me the push to do that. And also wish that my kids would make me feel the appreciation that you have for your mom. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. My mom rocks! She is my best friend. We don't see each other as much as we'd like to, but we talk on the phone almost daily. Just saw her on Sunday and it was nice to give (and get) a hug!

    Great post, Melissa...and the pottery is lovely!

  8. I'm in tears. Literally in tears. I was just missing my mom so much today because I had a Mommy & Me with my oldest daughter and she asked me "If you had a Mommy & Me with Eyang today, what would you want to be doing with her?" And I said "I would just want to sit and listen to her talk." And I started crying. And then I come here, and read this heartfelt post and I just can't handle it. Not today. I just miss her so much today...

    Thank you so much, Melissa, really, truly. Thank you...

  9. How wonderful! I work with my mama everyday in our playschool and live next door!

    This "Magic of the Mundane" is the same idea behind my "Wonderfull (Full of Wonder) Wednesday". It forces me to slow down and see the wonder all around me.
