Thursday, June 14, 2012

Going to Texas

So I am TOTALLY showing my dorkiness...and age right about now, so be prepared.  Last night, I went on a trip to Texas.  Dallas to be specific and Oh my!  It was wonderful to go back.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's the return of the television show Dallas...and JR.

Source: TNT

I know!  It's a totally melodramatic night time soap and I am so hooked.  The original came out in 1978...I was ten.  I wasn't originally allowed to watch it, but the next year, I begged and pleaded and my mom relented because it really wasn't that much different than the soaps my girl friends were watching after school and I showed no interest in those. The show ran until 1991 and I think I actually watched it most of the time, even in college....Going out Friday night? Watch Dallas while you're getting ready. But most of my memories associated with the show are also tied to my old dear friend Linda.   We would spend the night together as young teens, staying up late and talking about make up and boys.  Except when Dallas was on.  Then the Ewing family would have our rapt attention.  It's the first place that I learned you could love to hate someone...and I had the worst crush on Patrick Duffy....sigh....I really need some bubble gum and glitter eye shadow to make this moment complete.

And now, TNT brought it back...all of it.  And that man everyone loves to hate?  Well he's back too and he's got some competition...from his son. This show made me so happy and nostalgic last night.  Car Guy and I even forced the boys to have some quality time with their parents (ahem) and forced them to watch it too.  Much to their surprise, they actually enjoyed it...I'm pretty sure they didn't understood the word devious until they saw good ol' JR in action.  I'm thinking they might watch it with us again and I have to give everyone involved with the show a bit of credit...they didn't try to reinvent the wheel, they just added a few new spokes and so far it looks like it's going to roll along just fine (said with a deep Texas drawl.) If you were ever a fan of the show, then I recommend you check it out.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Linda and I grew up, went to college, got married and had babies.  She lives in another state, but we still keep in touch. I emailed her and asked if she was going to watch the new version that came on last night.  I can picture the smile on her face so perfectly when she responded...."If I can stay up that late."  OK, so maybe some things have changes just a little bit. I wonder what kind of eye shadow she wears now....

Update - Just want to send out a huge thank you to Annabel over at Little Pin Cushion Studio. Entered a drawing back in May and just found out this morning that I won!  I never win anything, so I was pleasantly surprised! Yea!  Thank you so much!  If you get a chance, go check out her blog for inspiration - very cool place!


  1. Oh Melissa... I realized about 10:30 last night that I missed the first show and didn't want to start on episode 2. So, they are set to record Friday night. I was never allowed to watch Dallas growing up, so I'm excited that I'm finally "old enough" to now. :)

    Congrats on the giveaway! Lucky you!!

    1. Finally watched 1 and 2. Really is like a night time soap opera! Think I might be hooked, too. ;) Now I'm getting the whole scoop from the in-laws about the original series.

  2. Fun! Is it a re run kind of thing? Or have they resurrected the show with a new cast? I'm a little confused!

  3. Oh such memories. I vaguely remember it the first time around, my mother watched it every week, me not much.

    Hope it as good as the first time around.

  4. Melissa, You will have to ask Daryl about Dallas. He used to watch it with his mum.

    I wasn't allowed to stay up and watch it, but I still remember the other kids coming in to school and asking, "Who Shot J.R.?" I pretended I knew what they were talking about. ; )

  5. The original really ran until 1991? Wow, I had no idea it was on for so long!
