Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Getting Back

Oh goodness! Getting back into the groove of things has been difficult!  So much going on. 

My sister came in Thursday and left Monday.  I wish we'd had a little more time.  We never seem to have enough, but I am so thankful for what we did have.  It is true what they say about that sisterly is amazing! Of course, the Brother-in-Law is pretty dang cool too.  They are two very creative people and it's always great fun to pick their brains and see what they've been up to. The best part was surprising Number One Son with their arrival. I sent him on a bogus errand to my mother's house....surprise!..perfect.

Here's my sister's take on graduation pictures...
Pretty cool, right?  Of course she has an iPhone and some photo programs.

This is one of my favorites, even though it's not very clear.
There is my boy, paper in hand. Yea!

I'll be back soon with more pictures.  I'm afraid that they are still being emailed in because of course the camera decided to be difficult at the worst possible couldn't have possibly been the operator - gasp! No way!


  1. Yay! Congratulations! I can't imagine how it feels to see a child walk across that stage...I'll be there in a few years!

  2. What a proud moment for you and an awesome accomplishment for him! I tell ya.... you are giving me a perfect glimpse into my future with my boys! Let's hope your words and wisdom will sink in before I get to these stages... I'm going to be a big baby!! :)

  3. What a moment to be proud about. I hope he has a wonderful career ahead of him. Jacinta

  4. Such a wonderful moment, must have felt amazing to see him walking across that stage.

  5. Awwww! I'm glad you had fun with your sister and that she could share in your pride!
