Monday, May 21, 2012

{Magic of the Mundane}

Today, I am joining Sofia over at Sofia's Ideas for Magic of the Mundane. I so love this idea because it totally falls in line with my desire to get back to simple. It can be a picture, a poem or song, a short video or anything else that celebrates the Magic. So often, we get caught up in "where we're going" that we forget to look at the beauty of "where we are."
So you see that really sexy boot up there?  That's's new.  They only gave me one, but I'm actually quite grateful that I don't have a matching pair.  Something you might not know about me is that my parents wasted A LOT (in my opinion) of money on dance lessons on me when I was a child. First of all, because I hated it...well, not the dancing so much, but the dance teacher...another story, for another day.  Secondly, because I'm about as graceful as a pig on ice.  Seriously....that boot up there is proof. This is what happens when you fall asleep on the sofa, wake up at 1:00 a.m. and remember that you need to let the neighbor's dogs in the house for the evening.  You go across the street, half asleep, and don't get your foot completely on the step, roll you ankle and fall on your own foot. Thank goodness for the sweet, strapping young man I gave birth to that got me back home and in bed...Needless to say it was a fun thing to explain to Car Guy in the morning when I told him I really need to go see a doctor....yup, one foot, two broken bones...Can you say talent?  That's me....I'm that kid that spent all her charm school money on bubble gum. What does this have to do with Magic of the Mundane and appreciating the every day?  I REALLY appreciate walking without crutches and without pain.  I appreciate sleeping through the night without waking up every time I roll over. I now truly appreciate the everyday that I took for granted. Think about it for a minute...what if you couldn't walk on your own....fix a meal without wearing yourself a many things that are everyday occurrences that are just a part of know, like walking up a step without falling on your face....oh wait, you can do that?  Must be nice :)

By the way, I am fine if not slightly frustrated.  I should be back to normal...well normal for about 8 to 12 weeks.  I apologize now if blogging and commenting are sporadic.  Be careful out there and watch where you're going.  You never know what might jump out at you!

P.S. There was no alcohol involved and I wasn't chewing gum...I'm just that clumsy.


  1. Sent you an email and then thought maybe I should have checked your site first, ouch girl I know that hurts!
    Make those guys of yours wait on you hand and foot ;)!
    I hope you heal quickly!

  2. Oooh! Ouch!! Take care of yourself and use it as an excuse to knit, read lots of books, and eat whatever your favorite snack food might be. Also, you're taking Arnica homeopathic right? Right?

  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I am so so so sorry. Honestly, I can see myself do exactly the same kind of thing......actually, I DID do sort of the same thing once...(I fell in a construction ditch and chipped a bone in my ankle---which eventually led to some surgery....and the 8-12 -- mine ended up being just 10--weeks; first 3 of which were on crutches.) Warning....everyone's sympathy runs out long before you are out of the boot/cast, so soak up all the sympathy early on!!!! Hang in there. You really won't ever take walking for granted again!

  4. I am also the graceful (or grace-less) one who had to take ballet lessons growing up. My mom thought it would help. Needless to say, it didn't. The same night you did this... perhaps at the same time, (it was around 1am) I closed my thumb in the truck door. Not as dramatic as breaking one's foot in 2 places. (That is talent!) But you are in good, albeit clumsy, company! Hoping your foot heals quickly, my dear!!! Do you have a cast we can sign???

  5. oh no!!!! this is just terrible. I am glad you went to the doctor and I am glad a strapping young man came to your rescue. I hope it gets better soon. Next time take a flash light and wake up a bit!

  6. Oh no! I'm so sorry, I am just glad that you have your guys to take care of you and help you around the house while you mend. Maybe you can take this time to knit or even try out a new craft?

    {and I can totally empathize! I've fallen UP the stairs (how in the world?) and out of the shower.}

  7. I think you would enjoy knowing that I was, ever so kindly, kicked out of ballet when I was very young. I was all knees and elbows... and prone to stepping on the feet of the dainty ballerinas around me (wink). Sending you good thoughts for a quick recovery!

  8. Oh no, hope your guys are taking care of you :) And I hope your knitting needles are close by.

    Happy healing.

  9. Oh, Melissa! That's so sad! I hope you get out of that lovely boot ASAP! I can certainly understand your frustration.

  10. Oh no! I broke my foot about 9 years ago just by walking across the room. One minute I'm walking up right & fine next I'm on the floor with a broken foot. How in the world? About 4 years after that I broke the same foot again when a table I was moving fell on it. Last spring I fell down our back steps and sprained the other ankle. I totally sympathize!

  11. Oh Melissa--I wondered where you had been the past few days. I am so sorry.. pretty stinky way to start the summer, huh?

  12. Oh my goodness!! We just never know what is going to happen when we step foot out of our homes, do we!?!
    Sexy black boot, indeed. ;)
    Sounds like a great excuse to get some knitting done.
    And reading.
    And watching old movies on the couch.
    And snacking.
    And knitting some more.
    Take care!! I wish you a quick recovery!!

  13. Oh no! I hope that your ankle is feeling better today. What a bummer of a way to start the week! A perfect reason to relax and take it easy.

  14. Oh dear. I'm just catching up on my blog reading. You have certainly have had a fun week by the look if things. I hope you aren't in too much pain and can rest where possible. Jacinta

  15. Oh my. I've been away from my computer for seems like ages. I absolutely know what you are feeling. About 10 years ago I fell off of a step coming out of a restaurant in Boston and rolled my ankle under me. It was only sprained, but my ortho told me that I was going to wish I had broken it. I was in a boot for two months and in PT for two months after that. Good luck with it all!
